Newsreels was born during the time of COVID. Out of a collective need, by a tech-savvy collective that cares.
Here's the transcript of the voiceover above:
"Last year, we were all sent home and made to stay there – for a month, and then another, and then another, and then, well, you get the message. We needed to stay home to stay safe.
But as our world seemingly slowed down, our need to know more about it grew exponentially. We needed to know the updates in real-time. After all, we were all struggling to know what we’re dealing with, and how far along are we from resuming life outside.
During this time, we increased our mobile news consumption. And along with it, we saw problems we didn’t even know we had.
85% of mobile users have at least one news app on their mobile, yet jumping from one app to another to keep up with the latest developments was still quite a pain in the thumb.
Just have one app? Well, that risks not getting a well-rounded view. Have too many apps? Time-consuming and also really confusing.
This is why our team set out to devise a solution we never knew we needed.
Enter Newsreels.
With Newsreels, we can cut down on the time spent jumping from app to app, website to website, when reading about the news. On top of being a centralized portal for news all over the world, Newsreels also gives the updates in short and concise bullet points, further saving your time.
To bring this solution several steps further, we also looked at how you consume media online. We looked at TikTok, Instagram Reels, Facebook Videos, and your favourite apps. From there it was easy to see another thing news is missing – scrollable stream of endless, relevant, and up-to-date content without the dangers of fake news floating around elsewhere.
Newsreels brings together quality sources from around the world to make sure everyone is updated wherever they are, no matter what language they speak. Readers can now save time and take in more news in no time at all.
Newsreels. Available on Google Play and App Store."

My part? I wrote the script, produced the neural text-to-speech audio, and mixed the whole thing into a voiceover production.

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